A Short History of the Internet

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Development of the Computer

The title “Father of the Computer” resides with the Englishman Charles Bobbage. Lack of money and availability of the necessary technology stymied his plan to build an Analytical Engine, a steam-driven computer. But in the mid-1880s, aided by mathematician Lady Ada Byron Lovelace, Bobbage did produced designs for a computer that could conduct algebraic computations using stored memory and punch cards for input and out put. His work provided inspiration for those who would follow.

The Personal Computer

A crucial part of the story of the internet is the development and diffusion of the personal computers. IBM was fantastically successful at exciting businesses, schools, and universities, and other organizations about computers. But IBM’s and other companies’ mainframe and minicomputers employed terminals, at this stations at which users work were conducted to larger, centralized machines. As a result, the Internet at first was the province of the people who worked in those settings.


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